Sunday, October 28, 2007

Staying on task, in writing, and in life.

I recently left my job to stay at home with my kids, and (gasp) write a romance novel. I mean really write. I want to begin a novel, and finish it. My ultimate problem? Staying on task. This is not writer's block. I have so many ideas floating around in my mind, and I could pluck anything out of the ether and take off with it. It's fun. But when the fun ends, and I have to edit, or remember multiple plot lines and tie them nicely together, or write something non-action . . . well, you get it. I find other things to do.

I need to get the pledge out and polish under my keyboard. I need to read one more story to the two year old who is throwing the books across the room at this point, usually screaming "No, mommy, no!" I need to do sit-ups. Yes, I am balking, procrastinating, dilly dallying. I am a master at dilly dallying and have been since, oh, kindergarten.

So, today, when I found myself running for the pledge, I decided to find a way to keep my thoughts organized, and FOCUS on the task at hand.

Here is my list;

1. Keep track of notes on index cards and display them on a bulletin board near your computer for easy access.

2. Write for an allotted amount of time, and stick to it.

3. Try writing when everyone else is gone, if possible. No typing with one hand while feeding cheerios to the baby with the other. It just doesn't work out well for either of you.

4. Do the dishes before you sit down so you won't use that as an excuse.

5. Pick two nights a week to make ten minute dinners. Frozen Pizza does not kill, much to the chagrin of my husband and kiddies.

6. Think about characters, plot, outline, etc. etc. while doing other things, so that when you sit down the ideas are ready to pour forth.

7. Quit bouncing around between projects!

Okay. So there is my list. May I stick to it. Any ideas from blog land?



Elena said...

Hey, Regan! I know what you mean. I have the same problem. Can't seem to focus. Especially when I'm home and I have parents and brother talking, asking questions, proposing we go to the movies and stuff. As strange as it may sound, I seem to focus better when I'm at work. :-O
What I've been doing for a week now is try to write 1k each day. I cut myself some slack when I also edit on a day, but basically I'm trying to stay firm. Surprisingly, it works.
Anyway, I'm glad I'm not alone in my suffering. LOL

Regan Blair said...

Hi, Elena. I think this is true for everyone.


Avery Gray said...

Yep, you're both "write"! Ha, get it?! "Write"! I crack myself up.

I am just like you, in that I have a hard time concentrating on the writing task at hand when there are so many other things I need to get done. But if I'm going to make writing a priority, I just need to hunker down and focus. If I take four hours a few days a week, that leaves plenty of time to do everything else. Not that it gets done, but the opportunity's there. ;o)

Anonymous said...

That's the hardest part for me, too. I've got lots of ideas, but I peter out after the initial flush of excitement wanes. Everything I've seen says you have to establish the habit - Thou Shalt Write for X Amount of Time Each Day Without Fail. You decide what X is and then stick to it. Easier said than done, I know. Let us know if you find the trick!

Annette Lyon said...

You've got a great list. #2, #5, and #6 are on mine for getting work done. One that you could add is a reward--it could be something small like a piece of really good chocolate if you reach your daily writing goal or something bigger, like a pedicure when you finish a draft. And a deadline helps, too. If I know I have to bring that next chapter to critique group tomorrow, you can bet my behind will be in the chair. Good luck!